It's funny (if you can consider pain, limited range of motion and total lack of ability to be funny) how easily our perceptions of reality can change by putting ourselves in a new environment. For all of my years playing basketball, I considered myself to have adequate strength and flexibility- at least good enough to play at a competitive level of sport. Although never the very strongest or most pliable, I could always compare myself favorably to at least half the guys on any given team. I continually pushed my limits with lots of work on the court, in the weight room, around the track and doing plyometrics and agility drills. I would even oblige my body with a cursory stretch after training. With all of this work, I felt strong and healthy- reality number 1. However, after recently taking on a 30 day Yoga challenge, where I try to attend a class every day for a month, a new reality has set in. Although I may still have strength and flexibility in my comfort zone, as soon as I step out of this area I am extremely weak and limited. Something as simple as sitting cross-legged on the floor can be challenging and painful. As the rest of the class advances in the pose, to fold their chests down to their crossed feet, I am left to contemplate how long I will be able to endure the discomfort I am feeling just sitting upright. My chest is only 2 and a half feet from the floor, but it seems like a mile to me today! The good news, however, is that I am slowly making progress, getting increased range of motion and feeling better in the process. I doubt I will ever be sticking my toes in my mouth, but why would I want to.
Lucas seems to enjoy this activity, but I'll stick to a hockey game, followed by a beer and of course a good long stretch.
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