Friday, June 19, 2015

Chilcotin and back in a day!

What a day! Too much going on to write about it...and the pictures describe it better than I could anyways. Lukey loved it so much that he's going back up on Tuesday to hang out with his buddy Torsten for another week. 

I loved it too...but discovered I've got some weak, city slicker skin on my knees because I tore all of it off wrestling cattle to the ground in the branding process.

The choice between a 9 hour drive or an 80 minute flight on this wasn't hard. 

A private jet, plus donuts makes it easy to get an 8 (and a 41) year old happy!

The plane was even cooler than it looks. The thrust is unbelievable. Art routinely flies to Hawaii and Europe in.  However, I can't imagine a more beautiful spot in the world to fly over than the route we took.  Straight up Howe Sound, over Whistler, Pemberton Icefield, looking at glacier after glacier and remote valleys that nobody ever sees. Seventy minutes later we are in the Chilcotin, on this amazing piece of property.

Lukey had never really ridden before. My experience was pretty limited too....especially considering I had a bike that was way over-revving and had crazy horse power. We rode 30 kilometres along the Puntzi lake ranch, in some of the most beautiful terrain. I loved how easy it was to get off the trail and ride in the grass lands on the rolling hills.

The plane cruises even higher than regular 40,000 feet. Here's our view of the city coming home at the end of the day.

We squeezed a lot into the day. I even made it in time to hook up with high school friends for a drink downtown.

The next day morning, Molly, Les, Bryan and I headed down to a local studio to help Sam out with a project. I think the video turned out well...but Molly and my part was edited out because our height difference was a little too extreme for the shot. It was fun to be a part of, and you can see Les and Byan in the video below.

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