Monday, February 25, 2008

Yikes, I fell off the daily wagon

I was doing so well blogging almost every day. And it felt good. Then somehow, I just toppled right off the back of the daily blogging wagon. It's alright. I have picked myself up, dusted myself off and given myself a stern talking to...

First things first. Remember my idea of paying it forward? Now, the indisputable evidence that I am very tardy in actually paying it forward: lovely, thoughtful gifts slipped into my mailbox from someone to whom I owe lovely and thoughtful gifts. And I owed her first. Don't worry Left-handed scissors, something will be forthcoming, though I cannot guarantee lovliness or thoughfulness. Certainly nothing as nice as that delicious handmade bag you posted today! Here are some shoddy photographs of some very un-shoddy barrettes we were lucky enough to get:

Since both are so nice, the girls very amicably decided to share both, thereby ensuring that they would be able to wear each with matching outfits. This compromise is less altruistic and more self-interested than it seems as neither wanted to give up the chance to wear either barrette.

In other news, I spent the weekend at Northern Voice, a two-day, non-profit personal blogging and social media conference out at UBC. I was there to help out, representing my globe-trotting friends Darren and Julie. Here is a picture Chris Heuer took of me talking to a laptop that contained Darren and Julie's talking heads in Morocco. When I helped out last year, I was a complete and utter blog-novice. This year, I am still very green (I stuck my head into the Photocamp session and basically ran in fear back to the lobby...when the Nikkon vs. Canon debate was equated to a holy-war, I knew I was in with the wrong crowd. I am pretty sure that leaving quietly was the right thing to do since if they saw my tiny pocket camera, they might have killed me and taken high-quality macro pictures while they did it) but I am also very eager to learn all that I can. I had such a fantastic time and it was inspiring to me to keep at blogging. I even came home and quickly started my Google Reader to keep up with blogs I read. I now love Google Reader. I think I read about...GASP, fifty blogs! Yikes. Someone wean me off this devil machine.

1 comment:

mz said...

Thanks Lesley! I don't think ever been hyperlinked before. Cool.