We've had rain overnight for a couple of days in a row but the tarp seems to hold off the water better than the old roof anyways. I have now managed to get all the old plywood off and am sitting with a clean slate. Unfortunately doubt has gripped me as to whether replacing the previous system with an identical new one is a very wise decision. Using a roll on felt and roofing paper is the cheapest and easiest but in the long run will probably fail. Like building an overpass in Quebec or bridge in Minnesota, I will be better off down the road if I do it right from the beginning.
After work on Saturday I played hockey at the Arbutus Club for the first time in 5 months. I don't have a ton of skating skills to lose but I was rusty regardless. I didn't get back to Point Roberts until after midnight and everybody had crashed. Late on Sunday, after an afternoon of working on the roof and an evening of crab feasting at the McKnight's (I still haven't given in to the peer pressure of eating seafood but I can feel it mounting with the 20 or so crabs that crawl into their trap every day), Les took Lucas back to Vancouver to finish an online editing project. I spent the night and most of the next day with the girls down at the Point. It's fun to be alone with them and not have other responsibilities because I get a better glimpse into their world. We played fort (which involved me wedging 12 blankets between different pieces of furniture around our place), Polly pockets (hopefully without the "life threatening" magnets), had "opposites day", had a big wrestling/ball throwing game on the beds, we read books and ate ice cream cones for lunch. The two of them are so close and have such rich imaginations that there is seldom a dull moment regardless of whether there are any toys or games around.
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