Friday, February 2, 2007

Welcome Hannah Maria Sturm

Yesterday night we got a new family member. Eric's sister and her partner Sven had a baby girl via C-section at BC Women's Hospital last night at 11 pm. Overjoyed to go to the hospital for some reason other than sharp labour pains of my own, all five of us went this afternoon to meet Hannah. Boy, the place sure does have a different vibe when it isn't you going through childbirth. Waaaaay more relaxed. Plus, it was amazing to see the difference two months of growth make...Lucas looked HUGE next to the newborn. Man, does that kid of mine ever have a big melon.

Hannah is a very cute little girl and we are very happy to have a new niece/cousin. We wish Mandy and Sven a joyous adjustment to parenthood. May the wee one sleep and sleep and sleep.

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